How Affiliate Links Support Light From Lantern LLC / Knit A Spell
Jul 29, 2022
Katie Rempe here, owner of Light From Lantern LLC and producer/host of the Knit A Spell podcast. I believe in providing a transparent business and want our fans and supporters to know how they are supporting us, and where we re-invest those resources. This post will provide these details so you may choose where to spend your time and dollars!
I run Light From Lantern LLC which also produces the Knit A Spell, which I co-host with my friend and talented palmist/psychic James Divine. Jim and I are both small business owners and solopreneurs which involves wearing a lot of hats.
Before launching Knit A Spell, Jim and I agreed to keep production in-house to ensure any sponsorships, affiliates or partnerships could be 100% controlled by us. By doing so, we’ve been able to work with other inspiring small businesses to help each other grow through transparent means.
List of companies Light From Lantern and/or Knit A Spell have affiliate partnerships with.
• Makers’ Mercantile
We work with Maker’s Mercantile, a small shop in Kent, WA, to produce the Knit A Spell Drawstring Bag & Zipper Pouch, and First Mitts Kit. Light From Lantern / Knit A spell receives a portion of sales of these items once a threshold is reached.
• Ewe Ewe Yarns
A percent of all purchases made within 30 days of using the affiliate link goes to Light From Lantern.
Whenever promoting books or decks from publishers, I use the affiliate program through to provide a shopping option for our fans to use, if desired. A perfect of each purchase goes to support Light From Lantern / Knit A Spell.
• Llewelyn Worldwild
Knit A Spell is often provided with free products to help us connect with and promote Llewelyn's network of authors and creators. Katie and Jim curate the products and personalities which appear on the show. Not all provided products are used. No affiliate program is currently in place. Products are occasionally provided by Llewelyn for us to use as giveaways.
Thanks to ALL of our affiliates, partners, and supporters!
Katie uses these funds to cover the costs of:
• Website & podcast hosting platform & domains
• Business expenses (licenses, taxes, POS fees, etc)
After business expenses are covered, we are paid for the following services:
• Katie: producer, editor, writer, host, PR
• Jim's: writer, host, PR
Any questions regarding this topic can be sent to Katie directly at [email protected]
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